# Export formats

Remember - this is a draft specification. If you think something could be improved or would be better off being changed, please help contribute or let us know!

In order to make usage of the Contribution Table as easy as possible, it is important the table can be exported into formats that are native to the medium used for writing and display. The raw-format is the fundamental representation of a Contribution Table.

Whenever possible, the table should also lend itself to be copy-able in the the raw-format outlined in the main spec.

All the different formats below will be supported by the web-editor. Use the web-editor (opens new window) to quickly generate a Contribution Table.


It will be tempting to include a rasterised image version (i.e. PNG or JPEG) in manuscripts. While the option will be offered in the official editor, this practice is highly discouraged.

The web-editor allows your generated Contribution Table to be shared via a link. This allows you to send your Contribution Table to collaborators for them to add their own contributions, or add new categories.

They would open the link, make the changes in the web-editor, export it as a new editor link, and simply send that back to you.

An editor-link (query) looks like:


Let's expand that so we can get a better idea at what is going on


The first parameter indicates the version of the Contribution Table, and might become useful in the future if different versions of the standard get conceived and we want to retain backwards compatibility.

The second parameter, cols, is a comma-separated list of the different column labels. Often the names of the authors would be the column labels.

The third parameter, rows, is a comma-separated list of the different row labels. These row labels indicate the different categories of your table and can indicate e.g. an experimental technique.

The last parameter, contributions is a series of comma-separated arrays which are themselves separated by ~. Each comma-separated array indicates the contributions for a single column. In the example above 0,1,2~1,2,1~0,0,1 indicates the contribution of dave in the different categories.

The web-editor will check if the provided query is a valid table, and if not it will notify the user of the error via the console and not display the (faulty) table.

# LaTeX table

CTAB's can be exported in LaTeX format. The following packages are required to make the styled version work.

  • array
  • xcolor
  • graphicx
  • hhline

You may already use some of these in your LaTeX doc. When you export your CTAB as LaTeX it will copy the section below to clipboard. The package import statements are commented, as they would have to be put at the start of the document.

% Contribution table generated by https://try-ctab.github.io/#/editor 
% \usepackage{array} 
% \usepackage[table]{xcolor} 
% \usepackage{graphicx} 
% \usepackage{hhline} 
\begin{tabular}{ r | m{0.5cm} | m{0.5cm} | m{0.5cm} | } 
\multicolumn{1}{c}{\textcolor{version}{CTAB V0.1\textcolor{background}{|}}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\rot{E. X. Ample\textcolor{background}{|}}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\rot{T. Esting\textcolor{background}{|}}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\rot{R. E. Viewer\textcolor{background}{|}}} \\ 
\textcolor{background}{|}manuscript\textcolor{background}{|} & \cellcolor{C1}\textcolor{C1}{|} & \cellcolor{C2}\textcolor{C2}{*|} & \cellcolor{C1}\textcolor{C1}{|} \\ 
\textcolor{background}{|}experiments\textcolor{background}{|} & \cellcolor{C2}\textcolor{C2}{*|} & \cellcolor{C3}\textcolor{C3}{**|} & \cellcolor{C1}\textcolor{C1}{|} \\ 
\textcolor{background}{|}feedback\textcolor{background}{|} & \cellcolor{C3}\textcolor{C3}{**|} & \cellcolor{C2}\textcolor{C2}{*|} & \cellcolor{C2}\textcolor{C2}{*|} \\ 

# Minimal version (no additional packages)

In case your LaTeX compiler or set of packages gives problem with the formatted table, you can also use a minimal version. It will look something like:

% Contribution table (no-package mode) generated by https://try-ctab.github.io/#/editor
\begin{tabular}{ r | c | c | c | } 
\multicolumn{1}{c}{CTAB V0.1} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{E. X. Ample} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{T. Esting} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{R. E. Viewer} \\ 
manuscript &  & * &  \\ 
experiments & * & ** &  \\ 
feedback & ** & * & * \\ 

# SVG (and .PDF)

CTABs can be exported as Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG). SVG files can be opened in any good drawing program such as Adobe Illustrator and Inkscape. This means you can easily integrate a CTAB into an existing figure or add your own touches (e.g. change colours, add annotations.)

This then also allows you to export your CTAB as a .PDF. Open the SVG file in your editor and export as a PDF.

# Word (.docx)

The web-editor has the option to export as a Microsoft Office compatible table. Under the hood, this makes use of the HTML export option. The web editor will simply generate the HTML page and copy the HTML table to clipboard. Office will then recognise this when pasting in content and style it as well as it can. The table will be pasted as a 'native' Office table and hence it supports all the MS Office table features, allowing you to tune it as you would a regular MS Office table.

Unfortunately, only a small subset of CSS is supported by Office, and hence the column labes (e.g. Author names) are not rotated when pasting in the table.


After pasting in your contribution table into Microsoft Office, manually rotate the text 90 degrees to keep the table compact!

As an alternative to native Word tables (which, as listed above, have some formatting challenges), you can also:

  1. paste in an svg CTAB into your Word file. (drag and drop the .svg file into the Word window)
  2. Click on the pasted figure and select convert to shape

This will result in a CTAB that is formatted properly, but is harder to edit.


Whatever method you use to display a CTAB in your document, be sure to also include the editor link (e.g. as a comment) used to generate it. That way your colleagues can easily edit it and paste an updated version!


The web-editor has the option to export to HTML. This option will open in a new tab and display a styled html representation as given below. This can be copied or screenshot for pasting in any program that accepts a HTML template or on a webpage.

E. X. Ample
T. Esting
R. E. Viewer

Alternatively, a plaintext source representation of the HTML table is shown below the styled table. This offers a human-readable view of the HTML and allows users to quicky apply their own styles to a HTML version of the contribution table.

An example is shown below. Note that the generated HTML is dynamically generated and hence the <table> part will reflect your generated table.

<table class="CTAB">
		<td class="CTAB-meta">CTAB V0.1</td>
		<td class="CTAB-column-anchor">
			<div class="CTAB-column"> E. X. Ample </div>
		<td class="CTAB-column-anchor">
			<div class="CTAB-column"> T. Esting </div>
		<td class="CTAB-column-anchor">
			<div class="CTAB-column"> R. E. Viewer </div>
		<td class="CTAB-row"> manuscript </td>
		<td class="CTAB-grid-el CTAB-contribution-level-0">  </td>
		<td class="CTAB-grid-el CTAB-contribution-level-1"> * </td>
		<td class="CTAB-grid-el CTAB-contribution-level-0">  </td>
		<td class="CTAB-row"> experiments </td>
		<td class="CTAB-grid-el CTAB-contribution-level-1"> * </td>
		<td class="CTAB-grid-el CTAB-contribution-level-2"> ** </td>
		<td class="CTAB-grid-el CTAB-contribution-level-0">  </td>
		<td class="CTAB-row"> feedback </td>
		<td class="CTAB-grid-el CTAB-contribution-level-2"> ** </td>
		<td class="CTAB-grid-el CTAB-contribution-level-1"> * </td>
		<td class="CTAB-grid-el CTAB-contribution-level-1"> * </td>


 <style> .CTAB {
	 --gridsize: 40px;
	 padding-top: 5rem;
	 margin-top: 5rem;
 table.CTAB {
	border-collapse: collapse;
 .CTAB-meta {
	 color: #E8E8E8;
	 font-weight: bold;
 .CTAB-column-anchor {
	 position: relative;
 .CTAB-column {
	 white-space: nowrap;
	 position: absolute;
	 bottom: 0px;
	 left: 15px;
	 transform-origin: center left;
	 transform: rotate(-70deg);
	 width: 100px;
	 white-space: nowrap;
	 padding-right: 0.6rem;
	 text-align: right;
 .CTAB-grid-el {
	 background-color: floralwhite;
	 font-size: 8px;
	 border: 4px solid black;
	 width: var(--gridsize);
	 height: var(--gridsize);
 .CTAB-contribution-level-0 {
	 background-color: white;
	 color: white;
 .CTAB-contribution-level-1 {
	 background-color: #A0A0A0;
	 color: #A0A0A0;
 .CTAB-contribution-level-2 {
	 background-color: #303030;
	 color: #30303}

Try it yourself

To make sure you have the latest version of the generated HTML (as the docs may be slightly behind the editor), simply try it yourself! Go to the web editor (opens new window) and have a look.

Using the stylesheet (CSS) you can quickly tweak the appearance to make it fit better with your design language. Keep in mind that the HTML representation cannot directly be converted to all formats. But if you are looking for a screenshot or HTML, then it is the quickest way to personalise your Contribution Table.

E. X. Ample
T. Esting
R. E. Viewer
E. X. Ample
T. Esting
R. E. Viewer




The use of rasterised versions of the Contribution Table is highly discouraged. The export option is only offered for inclusion in currently unsupported formats such as powerpoint.

Currently, the web editor does not natively support PNG exports. You can still generate PNG or JPEG representations of a Contribution Table by going to the HTML export option in the web-editor and taking a screenshot of this page. Use the browser's zoom functionality to ensure you get a high resolution screenshot.

Last Updated: 2/15/2021, 10:48:49 PM